Put input parameters in triggers
Andre Davtyan
As of right now, if a workflow has input parameters, and you create a trigger for this workflow, you cannot specify the parameter values that you want to use with a specific trigger. A couple of suggestion are either making separate variables for specific triggers or check the trigger ID in the workflow and do things depending on that. However, I think that this is not exactly a correct approach to this, and what would be objectively better, easier to use and more efficient to use (without creating potential ways to break a workflow) is to just let the triggers have all the workflow input parameters in them. Think of it, like this: a workflow is function, and a trigger is just something that calls a function. You would obviously just call a function with the inputs that the function wants, you wouldn't change the function to see what exactly called it and add a check every time you add another place that calls the function. That's how putting workflows inside workflows actually works, you just call a sub-workflow with the parameters needed and that's it! So, implementing the same behavior for triggers would be nice
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Dan Knutson
We're going to include this alongside many other updates in the Workflow Builder experience. Thanks for the suggestion!
Aaron Bertsch
This would be great, aswell if we could add input parameters to workflow completion handlers that would be great and make it more user friendly connecting them
Brian Simpson
Actually, I think I'm getting a bit of what you're saying here. My visualization of what you're wanting would be to mimic the integration overrides and have a field that is variable overrides. You'd then pick the input variable from the drop down and set the value. The Trigger Variables section would only need to populate those variables that you want to set from your Input Configuration. Essentially, change the Trigger Variables section of the trigger setup to match the Trigger Configuration Integration Overrides with dynamic options instead of static defined ones from the settings.
This would require some cleanup for existing variables that have already been set but I can see how this would be cleaner in the long run.