Audit Logs
Peter Pendlebury
For auditing purposes we would like detailed audit logs of all actions users take across the platform.
Log In
Linda Kraft
Yes, this includes if a Rewst employee or a parent org member touched one of our workflows please.
Dan Knutson
Merged in a post:
Logging - logging everywhere
John Smith
Requesting comprehensive logging platform wide. Any org var or edit to anything should be logged and reviewable. At least who last edited any given object.
Michael Hollier
100000000% yes.
Other similar related requests:
John Smith
Michael Hollier oh so true - I should have used better keywords when searching - my bad!
Toppin Chris
This is a key feature we require to audit usage by our team.
Dan Knutson
Merged in a post:
Logging to external SIEM
Tim Fournet
Would like the ability for all activities that occur within rewst to be logged to an external facility
Danial Gagne
Alex Eley
We would like this too