We've come up with below list of enhancements for the AAD to CWM sync workflow based on testing multiple scenarios.
In its current state, we've found that:
  • Rewst only syncs name/email/job title/mobile phone
  • Rewst does not sync office phone
  • If data is missing on the CWM contact (mobile/job title/etc) the Rewst sync will populate that data
  • If data is present on CWM contact but different on the M365 user object, the Rewst sync will not overwrite that data
  • If data is removed from the CWM contact, the Rewst sync will re-populate that data
  • If a disabled/blocked sign-in M365 user is re-enabled, the Rewst sync won't re-activate the CWM contact and doesn't update blank fields
Our desired state would be:
  • Rewst syncs name/email/job title/office phone/mobile phone
  • Rewst inactivates CWM contacts that have been deleted from M365 unless the CWM contact is flagged using a custom field in CWM (or similar exclusion method). This solves the conflict between needing to keep some CWM-only contacts while having clients whose standard is to delete rather than disable users.
  • Rewst re-activates inactive CWM contacts that are enabled, re-enabled, or recreated after being deleted in M365. This solves an issue where someone could manually inactivate a CWM contact for an enabled M365 user. This also solves an issue where a deleted M365 user is recreated after a rehire or similar situation.
  • Rewst overwrites CWM contact data if a field contains data in both in M365 and CWM, but won't overwrite CWM contact data if a field contains data in CWM only. This solves the conflict where if we populate a mobile phone number on the CWM contact but not on M365 user, the sync won't blank out the data on the CWM contact. While we want to use M365 as the source-of-truth, most of our clients don't want their user's mobile phone numbers visible in the GAL.